electronic monitoring ankle bracelets

Do you know that only one in twelve offenders will re-offend while court ordered to electronic monitoring ankle bracelets? We have a complete line of electronic monitoring options that meets the qualifications for the Missouri Probation & Parole, Drug/DWI courts.  

SMOJS is a professional testing ground for Electronic Monitoring Equipment, for 5 years we have tested companies that offer their equipment and services.    

This great option is as low as $8.00 per day.

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electronic monitoring ankle bracelets alcoholHandheld Breath Alcohol Units

Test Breath Alcohol Content, records & Transmits real-time a photo of the user, their results and GPS.    This unit serves as an alternate to ankle bracelets and eliminates false alerts.  This unit does not touch the skin so it does not present the problems of sores and staff infections that the alcohol bracelets create from the moist filters.   No home phone required saving the user money.



electronic monitoring ankle bracelets alcoholGPS Tracking / Domestic Abuse Bracelets

This small lightweight GPS device will track the user 24 hours a day.  Tamper resistant design will alert the monitoring center when a tamper or violation occurs.   This unit is also available for Domestic Violence Victims to warn the victim if the abuser is within 1000 feet of them.   This unit doubles as a house arrest unit and has the longest lasting battery on the market.


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