Executive Protection Course

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Executive Protection (EP), also known as Close Personal Protection, refers to security measures taken to ensure the safety of VIPs or other individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk because of their employment, celebrity status, wealth, associations or geographical location.

Our 2 day certification class covers the following critical aspects:

Principles of Protection

Personnel Requirements

Advance Preparations

Deployment of Personnel

Working the Protectee

Protective Intelligence


Protective Hardware

Organization of Team Dress and Manner

Protective Techniques

Vehicle / Driving 9Security Measures)

Protective Formations / Protection While Walking

Responsibilities and Position Categories

Protection of Residence / Office

Special Situations

Firearms Training

Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will be issued a Certificate of Completion from PPI along with information on continuing education, training, and affiliation/membership information to I.A.P.P.A. (International Association of Personal Protection Agents).


  • No criminal history & must be able to successfully pass a background check
  • Attend 100% of the training in order to be certified

Students will be required their own weapon with a minimum of 3 magazines, to include holster and magazine pouches, 500 rounds of pistol ammunition, an AR-15 type rifle and 200 rounds of ammunition.

This is a physically demanding course. Attendees must demonstrate their ability to perform both in the classroom during the defensive tactics phase as well as on the shooting range for deployment and tactical drills.

Class must be prepaid (see payment button below) or mail check one week in advance to:


1111 N. Boonville 

Springfield, MO 65802




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