GPS Ankle Bracelet Missouri Kansas and Arkansas

track1GPS Ankle Bracelet

Many capabilities in one device

With a single, ankle-mounted tracking unit, ExacuTrack One relies on available GPS data and other location monitoring technologies to accurately track an offender’s movement within local communities.    Southern Missouri Judicial Services has a program to work with courts, Jails, and Sheriff’s Offices to help with the growing problem that effects their yearly budget.

Simple, easy to use

ExacuTrack One is lightweight, rugged, tamper-resistant and has an extensive battery life. A one-piece GPS system makes inventory management more convenient and is less likely to result in client misuse or lost equipment. The web-based case management system is designed for community corrections officers. And if there are questions, BI maintains the most highly trained support staff in the industry.

Combine technologies for best results

ExacuTrack One combines many location technologies, including autonomous GPS, assisted GPS and AFLT (Advanced Forward Link Trilateration), to achieve reliable monitoring data. By using this mix of technologies, the system can maintain an accurate position on the monitored individual, even in more challenging conditions, such as indoors, moving vehicles or among very tall buildings.

An innovative beacon adds flexibility

ExacuTrack One includes an option for a cordless transmitting device, called a beacon, that is pending patent approval. Designed for flexibility, the beacon enhances the system’s reliability and reduces costs and power consumption. The beacon is installed in the client’s home, place of work, school or other designated location. When the individual on ExacuTrack One enters an area where a beacon is located, the system switches modes from GPS tracking to traditional radio-frequency monitoring, a very reliable communication mode. When the person exits the beacon range, the system immediately shifts back to GPS tracking.

Mapping features you want

Unlike other GPS tracking systems, ExacuTrack One enables officers to draw specific zones in any shape through Microsoft®MapPoint® and Bing™ Maps for Enterprise, industry-leading mapping technologies. The maps offer exacting detail making specific features on properties or neighborhoods clearly visible.

Alerts tailored to your needs

When alerts are generated, officers can receive them via pager, e-mail, PDA or a combination of these methods. Supervising officers may also send pre-recorded voice messages to offenders through the ExacuTrack One tracking unit, useful for appointment reminders or to notify an offender upon entering a zone that is forbidden.


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