Springfield Missouri Process Server

Springfield Missouri Process Server

Our Springfield Missouri process servers work day and night shifts to get the job done for civil process.  SMOJS uses POST Certified Officers to serve papers in a timely fashion.  With servers based in Springfield, Branson and Joplin Missouri we can handle any job.  Most papers go out the same day, and as always we offer a free notary on each serve.  Give us a try and we will get it served.   We also specialize in difficult to server process, our process servers will stake out the defendant until the paper is hand delivered.

Email: [email protected]  or Call: 417-881-2626 springfield missouri process server branson joplin mo


Our private investigators serve civil process papers in the following locations

Barry County: 64874, 65625, 65647, 65708, 65745, 65772, 65623, 65641, 65658, 65734, 65747
Barton County: 64748, 64762, 64769, 64759, 64766, 64832
Bates County: 64720, 64722, 64723, 64730, 64742, 64745, 64779, 64752, 64780
Benton County: 65325, 65338, 65326, 65335, 65355
Camden County: 65020, 65049, 65052, 65065, 65079, 65324, 65591, 65786, 65787
Cedar County: 64744, 64756, 65607, 65785
Christian County: 65610, 65620, 65629, 65630, 65631, 65657, 65669, 65714, 65720, 65721, 65753, 65754
Dade County: 65603, 65635, 65646, 65661, 65682, 65752
Dallas County: 65590, 65622, 65644, 65685, 65764, 65767, 65783
Douglas County: 65608, 65638, 65701, 65755, 65788
Greene County: 65604, 65612, 65619, 65648, 65725, 65738, 65757, 65765, 65770, 65781, 65801, 65802, 65803, 65804, 65805, 65806, 65807, 65808, 65809, 65810, 65814, 65817, 65897, 65898, 65899
Hennry County: 64726, 64735, 64739, 64740, 64770, 64788, 65323, 65360
Hickory County: 65634, 65668, 65724, 65732, 65735, 65774, 65779
Howell County: 65548, 65626, 65688, 65775, 65776, 65777, 65788, 65789, 65790, 65793
Jasper County: 64755, 64801, 64802, 64803, 64804, 64830, 64833, 64834, 64835, 64836, 64841, 64849, 64855, 64857, 64859, 64862, 64869, 64870
Laclede County: 65463, 65470, 65536, 65543, 65567, 65632, 65722
Lawrence County: 64848, 64873, 65605, 65654, 65664, 65705, 65707, 65712, 65723, 65756, 65769
McDonald County: 64831, 64843, 64847, 64854, 64856, 64861, 64863, 64868, 65730
Miller County: 65017, 65026, 65047, 65064, 65075, 65082, 65083, 65486
Newton County: 64840, 64842, 64844, 64850, 64853, 64858, 64864, 64865, 64866, 64867
Oregon County: 65606, 65690, 65692, 65778, 65791
Ozark County: 65609, 65618, 65637, 65655, 65666, 65676, 65715, 65729, 65741, 65760, 65761, 65762, 65766, 65773, 65784
Polk County: 65601, 65613, 65617, 65640, 65645, 65649, 65650, 65663, 65674, 65710, 65727
Pulaski County: 65452, 65457, 65459, 65473, 65534, 65556, 65583, 65584
Saint Clair County: 64724, 64738, 64763, 64776, 64781
Shannon County: 65438, 65466, 65546
Stone County: 65611, 65624, 65633, 65656, 65675, 65681, 65686, 65728, 65737
Taney County: 65614, 65615, 65616, 65627, 65653, 65672, 65673, 65679, 65680, 65726, 65731, 65733, 65739, 65740, 65744, 65759, 65771
Texas County: 65444, 65464, 65468, 65479, 65483, 65484, 65542, 65552, 65555, 65557, 65564, 65570, 65571, 65589, 65689
Vernon County: 64728, 64741, 64750, 64765, 64767, 64771, 64772, 64778, 64783, 64784, 64790
Webster County: 65636, 65652, 65706, 65713, 65742, 65746, 65757
Wright County: 65660, 65662, 65667, 65702, 65704, 65711, 65717

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